I finished this little wreath today.
I've been collecting these colors to crochet "mums" and other fall flowers.
As promised, pics have come to "Heatherish".
Thanks to my eldest son ,Wesley, for showing me how to download from the camera. So simple !
We got these in just before the camera's batteries ran out.
So here's a peek into our little world.
These were taken a few weeks ago. The kitchen window and the window over my desk at the other end of the house.
And this is our living room .
I am employing much guess work to arrange pictures and text. This part's harder.
Last weekend, to kick off my husband's week from work , we took a trip to New Hampshire. Specifically, Meredith ,Center Harbor and Moultonboro in the Lakes region.
We lived there for 11 years. All the kids were born there. It holds a special place in our hearts, we will always count is as a blessing that for a season we were privileged to live there. We love the place for it's many charms but even a beautiful place is nothing compared to the people.
This visit was long overdue. Ya know how life just keeps getting in the way. Haley, our youngest, was only 4 months old when we moved away. We visited several times in the next few years but as it ended up, the last time was before Haley could remember.
So, we packed the car and north we went. It was just a little visit, Saturday afternoon to Monday afternoon. We it was a wonderful tiring time though. Brad and I have been recuperating all week.
Here are the highlights: We arrived at our hostess' home. The pastor and wife from the church we were members of opened their home to us. We made ourselves comfortable and rested through the evening. I did take a little jaunt out to one of my favorite places to shop. The Etc. Shoppe in Meredith. It is one of the best consignment shops I've ever been in. I bought a pretty plack. It's the one in the center of the last living room picture. I also picked up a small fleece blanket for Wesley to make a puppet with. (Sometime I'll tell you more about Wesley and his puppets etc.)
Our hostess' home is one of those places that children love. It is so fun just to look at the way the Mrs B. feathers the nest. My girls had a ball with the stuffed animals every where and the other dolls and toys under the stairs.
The next day was a big day , Sunday! We went our former, and much loved church, Calvary Bible in Meredith.
After the service we celebrated our "homecoming" with a family portrait.
We were brought up to date on the changes that have happened .
We took pictures of some of them.
A new wing added on making the sanctuary more handicap accessible.
New bathrooms and a huge classroom on the second floor.
It's all just beautiful ,we are so happy for the way God has blessed them.
The above pic was taken from the front parking lot. It looks down to Meredith Bay on Lake Winnipesauke.
We spent the afternoon with dear friends on Lake Kanasatka in Moultonboro . We had a simple tasty lunch , fellowship, lots of memories,news and laughs. They accompanied us up to our former home. We lived there for the seven years before we moved. Our then land lord was tickled to see us again. He is called by himself and other friends ," The Old Red Hill Bear". He is - a teddy bear with a big soft heart. He also loves the Lord.
We finally left our friends mid evening. We all a agreed it was one of the best times ever.
We were blessed to see them so happy together in their snug basement apartment over looking Lake K.
"The Old Red Hill Bear" |
Unfortunately, some of these pictures leave something to be desired. Perfectionism could prevent me from ever getting around to just doing it.
Our Hostess' Home .They like to call The Inn on Waukewan Ave. Add caption |
Monday morning came too soon. Soon it would be time to head south.
First , while the guys watched a movie we girls went back up to Moultonboro to the Old Country store. This has always been a favorite too. Sorry, no pic. We got some souvenires to remember our time: Me, a little bird figure and a sun catcher. I've always wanted to get one of their sun catchers.
They are simply round, solid handmade glass with a design in relief. I chose a purple one with a celtic knot design. Gaelan, a toy car for her collection, Haley, a music box that plays Silent Night. For Owen, an eagle that balances on his beak and for Dad and Wesley, pencils made from a raw stick (bark still on it.) Wesley had previously acquired a fidget toy at Cracker Barrel. Everyone was pleased.
With sadness we packed up the car, piled in and headed out. The whole thing was topped off nicely when we stopped at the Concord Hospital to see two other friends (old Liberty U. friends). Mr. A had been admitted for an infection. We had such fun visiting there in that hospital room.
As always we prayed together before leaving ... and that was all.
Now for the drive home, heavy traffic after a holiday weekend!